Assessing the Upcoming 25 November 2016 Rally


By: Almira Fadillah, Post Graduate Student of University of Gunadharma Jakarta

The statement of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok concerning Surah Al-Maidah verse 51 has been considered as blasphemy of Islam and has triggered the anger of wide community leading them to demand the firm law implementation by sending Ahok stay behind the bars. That demand was conveyed during the massive rally on 4 November 2016 coordinated by some prominent figures, clerics, and youth groups. The statement of Ahok is indeed incredibly sensitive that it may be used and deflected by opposition or certain group to turn this issue to national problem.

Nowadays, various Islamic groups such as FPI, MMI, HTI, HMI, and other Islamic hard-liners intensify the socialization of Aksi Bela Islam (ABI) III to the entire community through assorted channel, from social media, personal consolidation to any provocative mass media. They keep encouraging all people, Muslims in particular, to participate the rally slated on 25 November 2016. If people refused to join the rally, they would be considered as nonbeliever who do not stand by their faith.

            Unfortunately, the more provocative the statements raised by those groups, the wider issue it becomes that it may disrupt the national stability. As known, the recent rally demanding for the transparent legal proceeding on Ahok ended chaotic and even brought the issue of Jokowi’s impeachment. In fact, the legal action against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama has been carried out transparently and there is no interference from the government.

Diversity and Majority Group

Considering the appeal of ABI III and issues to be raised, it seems that the future rally is not purely intended for the sake of Aqidah (Islam Tenets) as the effect of the rally is just around the corner. We should remember that we are living in a very pluralistic country that has varied languages and customs, so we can imagine how great it will be if we can come together as the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Given that Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, the Muslims are expected to be wise and tolerant towards other believers as the citizens of Indonesia. We should reflect if what we are doing is for the religion purpose or political one as the local election momentum is coming closer. We should really meticulously assess and pay attention whether the rally is just about the blasphemy case or there is other hidden agenda behind it such as to impeach the President or send Ahok to prison. Indonesian as global citizens must be discreet on responding this issue.

It is so unfortunate that many Muslim figures who are supposed to calm the public down are instead encouraging people to take an active participation in the upcoming rally. A lot of provocation is circulating and it may push violation and rupture among the society to appear.

The diversity of Indonesia is both blessing and challenge to the country. It is beautiful to see that all citizens are hand in hand fighting for Indonesia by using Pancasila as the weapon. Such commitment must be implemented by coming together, not separating party by the race or religion. However, the fact that there are still groups willing to fight for Islam by sending Ahok to jail through the rally on 25 November 2016 without even noticing the result of legal process seems to be unrealistic. The groups legitimate the law of Indonesia but do not believe in it, so on the name of Islam, they demand Ahok to be sent behind the bars for being a non-muslim and blasphemy case that is not legally proven yet.  

SARA (ethnicity, religion and race) is A Threat

The social dynamics today leads the blasphemy case to political and SARA issue following the rejection against Chinese-descent Indonesians and Jokowi’s impeachment. This clearly shows that the demonstration isn’t conducted for the religion purpose but the political one. Thus, Indonesian must carefully assess and review the plan of staging ABI III by the end of the month.

Rejection, threat, and provocation continued to be raised to date is considered very dangerous. It can be seen that some people in several region claim to be Anti-China Descent so it causes anxiety and inconvenience in public. Therefore, self-reflection to find out the genuine goal of the rally is incredibly required.

The current blasphemy issue is indeed demanded attention from the entire relevant parties in addition to strong stance and commitment to neutralize the propaganda and minimize the huge impact of the political rally under the cover of religion. 

Let the case be handled by the Police and put the personal emotion aside. Indonesia is a country of democracy that allows its all citizens to express their aspiration and ideas without exception. Let’s build and realize the unity of Indonesia. Let’s guard the legal process together and accept whatever the result is. It’s time to show the world that Indonesian are wise grown up citizens in responding and dealing with the social-political issue. 



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