Cross-Sectorial Coordination of National Leader Character in the Implementation of National Development


By: Wildan Nasution, Senior Researcher at Strategic Assessment, Jakarta

At the beginning of Jokowi's reign, we witnessed a situation that shows that the government has not run effectively. It is seen from the frequent occurrence of pros cons, which actually appears in the cabinet, government elites and political parties supporting the government in responding to the strategic issues that are the responsibility of the government and Received great attention from the public. As an example of a polemic that actually involves the Ministry of KKP, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Ministry of Maritime, the Ministry of Polhukam and the Government of DKI Jakarta on the pros counter reclamation Jakarta. Government officials who should be able to coordinate well are involved in public polemic and show weak leadership capacity in government bureaucracy. Although polemics at the cabinet level have now subsided and are beginning to appear synergies in implementing government policies, it must be admitted that there are still challenges in realizing an effective coordination within the government so as to be conducive to the implementation of various national development policies.

Meanwhile, inversely related to the beginning of the relationship in the government, the problem appears in other state institutions and democracy parties in the elections simultaneously. The issue is certainly a more severe challenge and requires an effort to overcome it so as not to be a threat to the existence of nation state. Regional Head Election simultaneously in 2017 should be the momentum of people to choose a qualified regional leader to carry out the mandate to build the region. Unfortunately, the political competition as in the elections in Jakarta in 2017 has triggered a social escalation due to the commodification of sociological factors that we have been assured will not waver because the sense of nationality has been firmly entrenched.

Political elites have exploited sociological diversity as a latent factor to justify certain political interests in order to win power competition. The behavior of the political elite that should reflect the values ​​of politeness and exemplary in the community is not visible and contribute to muddy atmosphere at the grassroots level in an increasingly heated political competition. Society is dragged into social segregation by elites who deny the essence of nationality inherited by the founders of the Republic.

The issue of Pilkada is a small part of the national problem. Another factual example is a chaotic involving a highly respected state institution, the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI). The respected regional representatives were deeply in an internal dispute over the leadership seat of the DPD RI. Each of the opposing camps insisted on a juridical justification which justified every action and up to now has not found a solution that shows the level of maturity in the politics it should be. Its intention, in the chaos It is colored also by the action of unresolved violence without ethics and further reduces the dignity attached to the honorable institution.

Likewise with potential lawsuits ensnare a number of important political figures as the case of alleged corruption procurement e-ID card that harms the state up to trillions of rupiah.Sejumlah important political elite in this Republic has been mentioned in the trial cases of corruption e-ID card . The case that is now rolling in the court was inevitably finally accompanied by ban ban abroad a number of names, including Setya Novanto, Chairman of the House of Representatives. If the names of allegedly related figures in the case of e-KTP corruption as mentioned in the court are true and provable, then there will be tens of political elites in the DPR who are still active and who have now become Head of Region, and former officials Public era of previous governments, will follow dragged to the Green Table in order to account for his actions.

 Meanwhile, in the informal sector outside the state institutions we also see how the community leaders dissolve in the tension of the discourse to respond to issues that are often confusing and make people wander. The public figures such as losing the ability to provide social and moral reference for the community Exposed to such massive information and often have the potential to disturb harmony in social relations that has been well maintained. Just look at how massive hoaxes and various info that is full of pro and contra color political competition. In this situation the social role of informal leaders in society should be Able to clear up the atmosphere and become a reference.

Statesman Deficit                              

These national issues lead to anxiety about the morality and character of the political elite who lead the country. The problem is often arising from the elite that is then transformed in the public with the interest of strengthening support to achieve a particular interest. The public becomes a contested commodity to legitimize Any acts that are often detrimental and do not reflect the interests of the public itself. The states and attitudes of statesmen that should be reflected by the elites who lead the country, both in formal and informal institutions are not visible, drowned in conflicts of interest, sectoral ego, The desire for power. Therefore, it is only natural that many opinions conclude that this country has experienced a lack of leaders but poor who have a character as a statesman.

Many of the leading elite have the skills and skills to carry out their duties, but does it guarantee the character of statesmanship? It is certainly a challenge to encourage the emerging leaders not only formal or informal leaders, but also the character of a statesman. The process of political recruitment of both the superstructure and the political infrastructure of the state in a political system laden with transactional practices is difficult to hope for the birth of leaders and statesmen.

The crisis of statesman character from the leaders in Indonesia will surely have an impact on the neglected state interest that should be prioritized. The Constitution has clearly stated that the purpose of the establishment of the state is to protect the entire nation, to educate the nation, to promote the common good, and to participate in the realization of world peace. The achievement of the objectives of this country is established through the national development which is driven by all elements of the nation under the leadership Politics that are certainly not only effective, credible and competent, but also characterized as statesmen.

Appears and Takes a Role

Human statesmen as revealed by Aristotle and Plato certainly become rare in the world of modern politics. However, the attributes of wisdom and fondness of common virtue are of course a universal value that still exists despite the pandemonium of political rivalry that has alienated the statesmen. We do not have to look for the exact same people whom Aristotle and Plato desire, but at least have universal attributes that uphold the noble ethics and morality that the public believes, are able to put the common good at their own best, The mandate given to him well and responsibly. Such people are the real leaders who should be encouraged to emerge and take on greater political roles in the community.

Leaders with the character of a statesman would still exist despite being a silent minority oppressed in a national crisis. This silence should not be too long because it will drag this nation to a more complex problem and hamper efforts to realize the interests of society organized through national development. Leaders with the character of the statesman scattered in various sectors of devotion, both formal and informal, have a great national responsibility on the shoulders to re-direct the nation and state journey on the line of ideals that have been inherited by the founders of the nation.


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