Religious Fanaticism and Terrorism


By : Almira Fadillah, Post-graduate Student of Gunadharma University Jakarta


Religious Fanaticism has become a familiar term in society considering the increasing widespread of radicalism especially those related to the implementation of Islamic Caliphate and Islamic State (Daulah). Such principles of fanaticism have indeed undermined the value of nationalism. The religious fanaticism has also led the society to think subjectively. They see differences as something that must be united not appreciated. This understanding might be the factor oh the increase of ethnic-, religion- and race-nuanced (SARA) conflicts especially rooted in religion differences and a view by some radical groups that any other who have different belief are their enemies.

Such view is not realistic and ignoring pluralism in Indonesia. Besides, it is also against the principle of Pancasila that recognizes not only Islam. Indonesia is a Muslim majority country. So far, the Indonesian Muslims are well-known for our hospitality and tolerance with other religions. Legally and ideologically, Indonesia respects all legal religions existing in the country in which harmony has become a part of the unity and integrity of the nation. Creating harmony in society is the responsible of all people especially the leaders that handle conflicting parties. The leaders must be firm and fair in resolving any SARA conflicts so that a wise decision that will not harm any party will come out.

This religious fanaticism has indirectly harm the unity of the people. As a religious individual, someone should be able to create tolerance both to those having similar faith and those who are different, yet a fanatic individual will only emphasize the differences and create a gap. This is what happened in Ahmadiyah case, Shia cases, and other religious nuanced conflicts that have broken the harmony in the society. Moreover, the fanaticism might lead to radicalism. In the past few months, we can see that the acts of terrorism is increasing signaled by the issue of IS that so-called has widened its influence in Indonesia, terrorism threat in Poso, as well as the blocking to anyone named Muhammad and Ali in some airports because they are considered as a radical groups. All these has worsened the instability in our plural life as Indonesians.


Right Radicalism


In its development, fanaticism might lead to radicalism that can threaten our security in their way to realize their aspiration both in regional and international scope. Recently, all people in the world have been surprised by some terrorist attacks and the spread of IS that becomes more threatening.

In Indonesia, the radicalism was also spread widely in certain community such as university student, religious communities, and the society in general. The radical groups themselves have indirectly brought fear and disappointment for the attacks they have done.

Thus, radicalism has become a new enemy for human being. Even though the root of terrorism has long existed, some recent attacks made this as a contemporary phenomenon that become a latent threat. The increasing rate of terrorist attack has made many people developed some speculative and tendentious theories on the root of terrorism that it might come from fundamentalism or radicalism especially Islamic one. In other words, Islam has been considered supportive to violence, not as a religion that promote peace, candor, goodness, and tenderness that become the actual values of Islam mentioned in holy Qur’an.

Amidst the increase of terrorism threat, state plays a vital role to insure the security of its people. Thus, all events that might lead to insecurity like suicide bombing terror must be closely monitored. The state must put priority on all efforts to combat terrorism and radicalism. Some strategic measures to pursue are security sector reform, security act revision, education reorientation, and massive socio-cultural campaign. All these activities are not something new, but have become the programs of some groups of people. However, they still need to be promoted to cut the chain of radicalism and terrorism as our mutual threat.


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